I remember the ordeal that I had to go through with the pump. In truth I had to buy the pump twice when feeding my first kid. I always sterilize the pump (after washing and disassembling them) at the end of the night through boiling the parts. Somehow on that unfateful night, I forgot that the pump was being boiled on the stove (maybe too long) until it melts!.. the pump was expensive and it was the best pump I had used (tried a cheaper one - Pureen - but that was painful and didn't help) So I had to buy them again and I was really very careful with using the second set of the same type of pump.. And it was used for my second child as well..
Anyway, I really like the pump. It served me well. I was able to exclusively breastfeed my daughter for 6 months with the expressed milk + direct feeding. I was able to get a good amount of milk within a short time when my supply were still a lot. on best days, I would get around 10 oz in 20 min. and on worst days (when my supply is low) I would get around 3 - 4 oz within 15 min. The suction does tries to mimic how babies breastfeed. And the rose petal was really helping. It made it felt comfortable and not painful. I noticed that most other pumps feeding tips are small, intending to only cover the areola and they don't have additional cushioning unless you make additional purchase (breastshield). However, with Avent, the tip covers most of the breast and the rose petal thingy comes together. I never had problem with the pump in terms of it needing servicing or repair or replacement. I have to be very careful that when I disassemble them, they are placed together so that I don't loose any of the pieces especially the valve (that round plastic thing). One thing I noticed is that after using them for a long time, the pump's surface isn't clear and shiny any longer (of course I don't expect it to look like new all the time). It looked as if though there's some residue left on the inner surface of the plastic. Just like what happen to the baby bottles after frequent use and washing. I wonder whether it is still safe to use it or not. Anyhow, I still sterilize them daily and wash them after each use. So hopefully that will get rid of all the germs and what not. So, in summary, i love the Avent manual pump!! It also helped me win a new HP deskjet printer.. :D
So now I am thinking of getting a newer pump for my 3rd. I still have my Avent pump but I think i would like to try on something new plus my pump had gone through several uses and owner (lent to some friends and family who wanted to try them after I was done with the 2nd).
I was thinking of getting and electric pump that's worth the money and does a good job in pumping. So, the following is what it has to have:
1) electric: both batteries and adapter
2) controlled suction
3) comfortable and painless
4) double pump / can be extended as a double pump
5) less than RM 1000
6) doesn't need servicing or rarely breaks (usually this depends on luck...)
So, i've been searching and reading the reviews on the Internet. and will definitely post my observation later..
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